Hello, my name is Ben and I have been teaching piano, keyboard and guitar since 2010. I teach pupils of all ages and tailor my lessons to suit personal musical tastes and learning styles. Some students are prepared for graded examinations, others for gigs. I also teach improvisation, musical theory and can help out with composition and song-writing.

Piano Lessons
I like to teach both the ‘classical’ approach of learning how to read western notation and also how to play popular songs by demonstrating different accompaniment styles and explaining harmony and music theory. I am also a singer and am keen to get my students singing too if willing!
I enter students for both classical and jazz examinations and have also worked with songwriters and producers.
Guitar Lessons
As well as teaching popular styles and song accompaniment I am also keen to teach notation with a focus on developing good technique. I enter students for ‘acoustic’ and classical grades and enjoy teaching folk, fingerstyle blues and jazz too.
Theory & Tuition
I enjoy teaching music theory to help songwriters, producers and composers with their creativity. I also provide extra tuition for students undertaking Music GCSE, A-level or BTEC.
Manchester | benplayford@hotmail.com | 07793 847868